Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Components of an Active, Respected, Beneficial ACF Chapter

For your consideration, here are a few suggestions for building your Chapter with better meetings...

- Have a minimum of 2 regularly scheduled meetings per year.

- Each meeting should be one full day or more and should not be held in conjunction with other meetings.

- Have the meetings at a location selected, arranged, and paid for by ACF and not at a facility belonging to the state or federal government, a university, or private industry.

- Have a segment at each meeting devoted to continuing education, tailored for consulting foresters. Arrange for the appropriate continuing education credits.

- State, federal, university, and industry officials should be invited guests, as needed, and should not become regular fixtures.

- Invite in writing, to each meeting, non-ACF consulting foresters who would make desirable ACF members.

- Meetings should deal head-on with current problems, but should keep a balance between positive and constructive topics, education, and problem solving.

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